WiN Central England is proud to present the winners of the STEM poster competition! The contestants were asked to design informative and fun STEM posters with a nuclear focus to be given to schools, colleges and universities for display. We received some amazing work.
The winners were celebrated at a virtual award ceremony on 30 April 2021.
WiN Central England would like to thank the sponsors AWE, UKAEA and OAS for providing the prizes for the competition.
Diamond Light Source, UK
The judges felt that this poster was well presented, great fun, simple and artistic. The poster is very clear making great use of colour, a good topical focus with simple and recognisable shapes. The judges thought that it was a great fit for the age category and the diversity of people was a nice, simple, positive message of inclusion. The judges particularly liked the task element.
Jacobs, UK
The judges felt that this poster had a great message, simply presented with a very colourful, good, clear layout and relevant topic theme. It is suitable for the age category and has great diversity within the imagery, emphasising positive inclusion. The judges particularly loved the use of “nuclear” as an acronym.
Military Institute of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
The judges felt that this poster had impact and stood out. The poster has a great format with a good use of images and small chunks of information which brilliantly demonstrated the career path.
Civil Nuclear Cyber Security Nuclear Directorate, Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, UK
The judges felt that this poster was clear, informative, and full of positive messaging which would work in any STEM-related classroom. Simple images with a few nice atom facts thrown in. The use of a woman at the front is a nice touch.
The judges felt that this poster deserved recognition for the effort put in to it. It is insightful and topical in terms of information with a very good explanation for the workings of this technology. The poster is well laid out and includes great use of images and diagrams to help the understanding of each block. An excellent resource for a science classroom.
If you’d like to find out more or raise a matter of concern, fill in the form below, and a member of our team will contact you.