15 October 2021

Launch of new leadership framework

The Women in Nuclear (WiN) UK new leadership framework is soon to be launched and members are encouraged to request access to The HUB so they can make the most of the fantastic materials.

WiN UK’s leadership framework has brought together the best of the best in terms of people and materials to provide flexible support to the leadership training and programmes that members already have access to.

The framework and all supporting materials will be available via WiN UK’s online shared space – The HUB – so the first step to making use of this exciting offer is to sign up by registering as WiN UK member at https://www.winuk.org.uk/become-a-member/ and then emailing leadership@winuk.org.uk to request access to The HUB.

Development of the framework has been led by WiN UK’s Julianne Antrobus and Lindsay Sedwards.

Lynsey Valentine, Women in Nuclear UK’s President, said: “The team put out a call to find out what existed already and who could help, and a group of experts came together and provided some brilliant support and materials.

“All that people need to do to benefit from this fantastic resource is sign up to be a WiN UK member on the website and request access to The HUB. From there, just be curious, explore and use what’s available to complement the leadership training or development they already have access to at work.

“We’ve got some exciting events coming up in October and November 2021 to roll out the framework and materials, and will include people being able to hear directly from our expert panel who helped bring this work to life – our ‘avengers’.”

The ‘avengers’ are a cohort of incredible experts in the field of leadership development who put themselves forward to design and create the leadership framework for WiN UK. They are Liz Clarkson, Diana Theodores, Laura Bentley, Steve Warner and Annie Sheryn.

Delivery of the leadership framework is an exciting milestone for WiN UK and is one of the early commitments made as part of becoming a not-for-profit company in 2020 and the new five-year strategy.

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