Applications are now open for our prestigious awards which recognise and celebrate those who have gone above and beyond to promote gender balance and diversity across the nuclear sector.
Extended deadline for submissions is:
17:00 on Tuesday 20 September 2022
All entries must be submitted using the WiN UK Award application form.
Instruction for submitting an entry for WiN UK Awards 2022 (PDF)
Award Entry Submission Form (MS Word)
Unfortunately we cannot consider applications unless the official application form has been completed. This is to ensure a consistent approach for the judging process.
There are 5 award categories to nominate yourself or others. Each nomination should be viewed in the context of WiN UK’s mission and objectives:
This award recognises a person who has been visible, supportive and influential across the nuclear sector in building recognition of the importance of gender balance and diversity.
The judging panel will be looking for evidence which shows clear examples of the influence the nominee has in the industry. Examples may include:
This title will be awarded to a man in the nuclear sector who is going beyond the day job to improve gender balance and diversity.
Together, everyone, no matter what their gender, has the power to address the gender balance issue in our industry.
However we would like to take this opportunity to recognise the very important role men play in being “agents for change” and supporting the future of the industry by the use of positive words and actions to increase the number of women working in our nuclear sector.
Judges will consider evidence which shows work undertaken to improve gender balance within the nominee’s organisation and in the wider industry. Examples may include:
This award recognises someone who is tenacious in their mission to make change happen. The recipient of this award may not be in a position of organisational influence or in the spotlight. They are unlikely to have large budgets or large teams that they can use to mobilise funded diversity and inclusion programmes or hold big events.
However, as an individual they are working behind the scenes to make a vital difference through their actions and words and by being determined in their mission. As a result, they can be the catalyst for great change through continued effort, passion and conversation.
The judges will look for someone who has demonstrated unwavering passion. Examples may include:
WiN UK developed an Industry Charter to help organisations focus on the activity that can improve diversity and gender balance. Over 60 organisations have already signed up to WiN UK’s Industry Charter.
Alongside this we launched the joint Nuclear Skills Strategy Group (NSSG)/WiN UK Gender Roadmap Commitment Pledge to support the Nuclear Sector Deal target of a 40% female workforce by 2030. The pledge recognises collaboration across the nuclear sector to ensure evidence-based action and sharing of best practice. This award recognises the Charter Signatory (or Commitment Pledge) company that has made a particular contribution to our mission throughout the year.
Judges will consider evidence which shows work undertaken to improve gender balance within the nominee’s organisation and in the wider industry. Examples may include:
This award was introduced to provided recognition for those working regionally to promote gender balance in the nuclear industry. Teams, businesses or organisations who may be small in stature but are big in changing the culture of our industry to be more inclusive and specifically to address gender balance.
Recognising that all of our teams are doing such a fantastic job, this year we are looking for examples where a team may have introduced a new initiative or come up with a great idea which has inspired others into action. One way we can make significant change is by groups working together locally to raise awareness, to make a difference and to achieve WiN UK’s mission. Examples may include:
If you’d like to find out more or raise a matter of concern, fill in the form below, and a member of our team will contact you.